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For some nefarious purposes, you want to check that a type-level string, "id-13"
, starts with "id-"
. You know the prefix statically. You want this:
> :kind! IsId "id-13"
IsId "id-13" :: Bool
= 'True
What do you do?
Here's a trick: you can't deconstruct type-level strings easily, but you can compare them. So you just need to check that "id-" ≤ s < "id."
, because .
is the next char after -
. Let's do this.
Necessary stuff:
> :set -XDataKinds -XTypeOperators
> import GHC.TypeLits (CmpSymbol)
> import Data.Type.Bool ((||), (&&))
> import Data.Type.Equality ((==))
The implementation:
type IsId s =
"id-" == s ||
(CmpSymbol "id-" s == LT && CmpSymbol "id." s == GT)
> :kind! IsId "id-13"
IsId "id-13" :: Bool
= 'True
> :kind! IsId "foo"
IsId "foo" :: Bool
= 'False
I said “you can't deconstruct type-level strings easily”, but it's still possible using an extension of this approach — take a look at Parsing type-level strings in Haskell and the symbols library.
The trick above is just a quick-and-dirty (but faster) solution.